Sunday, July 4, 2010

Transition to Green Technology and Save a Fortune

How to Transition to Green Technology and Save a Fortune

In today's tough economy there are many tough decisions to make. It's nice to know that major innovations like Green IT are around to combine eco-friendly products with dollar-friendly solutions that generate a much smaller carbon footprint. Green IT is a revolutionary concept that addresses all of the environmental needs of today with much more efficient technology systems that require less energy and produce less waste than their predecessors. Though there have been concerns that moving to a green state of mind would result in a global financial crisis, a lot of companies are finding that they actually save a great deal more money by implementing green IT / technologies rather than lose money! Everybody wins.

Highmark Inc. is one of the largest health insurance providers in the country, but recently some developments have put the company on the environmental advocate list. A few years ago, Highmark decided to upgrade from the 24,000 square foot data center that it was residing in and upgrade to one that was more than three times the size. The company chose to do so through the utilization of green computing. With the assistance of server virtualization and green IT HVAC systems, Highmark has been able to use the same energy to power the new office as it did the old one, even after the size differenc. The building utilizes recycled materials and water collection systems as well to ensure that the company is doing all it can to lessen its eco-footprint.

Wachovia Corp is also trying to adapt to the green computing world. By replacing the computer systems within their data center, Wachovia has teamed up with green IT designers to create a more effective system of technology that has reduced the costs of construction by more than $80,000. Wachovia plans to implement environmentally friendly solutions so that they can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10% in the next few years. They plan to expand their green efforts to all of their data centers in the future, including the use of energy-efficient cooling systems and power reduction tactics.



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